Winter Meeting, Saturday, January 28, 2017
Auburn Elks Lodge, Auburn, MA
754 Southbridge Street (Route 12), Auburn, MA

9:45 AM. The Watch Material Business from the 1970s up to the 21st Century. Our well-known Jack Kurdzionak will be speaking about the changes in watch material distribution that have taken place since the 1970s and the current state of the business today. Jack and his wife Terry own and operate Quick-Fit LLC dba Eckcells Watch Material. Jack has worked as a watchmaker since 1970. He is the former owner of The Watchmaker in Stoneham MA. Jack has served as president of AWCI, MWCA, and the ELM Trust. Jack holds certifications from Omega, ETA, WOSTEP, Bulova, BHI, and is a CW21. He is a fellow of the American Watchmakers Clockmakers Institute and a 47 year member of NAWCC.

10:45 AM. The Repair of Fusee Clocks. Bob Ockenden is the director of repair and restoration services at the Chelsea Clock Company. He has more than 40 years of experience in the repair and restoration of mechanical clocks. A nationally known voice in the clock-making industry, Bob is certified by the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute and the British Horological Institute, and has been a frequent lecturer at both local and national AWCI conferences. Additionally, he has served in various roles on the education, strategic planning and certification committees of the AWCI, and has been a consultant to the editorial staff of Horological Times Magazine.

1:00 PM. Clock and Watch Collecting in a Volatile Market. After interest by Baby Boomers in collecting antiques spurred an unprecedented rise in the price of antiques (specifically clocks and watches), which peaked in the early 2000’s, there has been a dramatic shift in the market. Collectors are now facing a different landscape and are questioning the future. Daniel Horan, owner of R.O. Schmitt Fine Arts auction house, with over 20 years of experience and still in his thirties, will share his understanding of this fluctuating and dynamic market, give his thoughts on what has led to the shift in the market and will do his best to explain what the future may hold.